Monday, May 18, 2009


As I said before we have been really busy.
So here is a little recap of what we have been doing...

Mother's Day... was really nice. I got roses and homemade cards from the kids.
I wanted to take pictures with the kids so we went over to Power Ranch.

Aubrey wasn't feeling good and she didn't want to take pictures at all.
So this is the best I could get and none of all of us together turned out.
One of the kids was always looking some where else or crying.

Bryce's Baseball... is over for the season. He had his last game Thursday night.
There's a part of me that is glad he is done and a part that is sad.
Here are some pictures that I got from the last game I went to.
I didn't get to go to his last game.

Dance... last week Ashley had pictures for dance.
We were there 3 nights out of 4. She is in 5 different dances.
Here's a sneak peek at her costumes for the recital.



Opening Number

Well that's all I have time for now.
I have to take Ashley to dance.

Happy Monday ☺

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