Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!

We finally decorated our tree Saturday morning, this was late for us.
We usually do it Thanksgiving weekend but that didn't happen this year.
It was up with 3/4 of the lights working. We've had the worst luck
with lights this year. We have about 8 strands that only half the lights work.
I guess we will be buying new lights next year.

Bryce being a good big brother and helping Aubrey.

Ally posing by her ornament with her name on it.

Ashley hanging her ornament with her name on it.

Bryce hanging his ornament with his
name on it even though you can't read it.

Aubrey hanging hers with her name on it.

She was so happy she did it!

These two getting along for a little while was nice.
{That doesn't happen a lot these days}

Four happy kids that got to decorate their
Christmas tree, even if it was a little later this year.
We only have a few more things to decorate
and we will be done for this Christmas.

Happy Tuesday☺


angiedunn said...

i've said it once & i'll say it again: your kids are adorable.

i love the ally shot...second one down...pure joy she has!

Brittany George said...

Your kids are so adorable!