Wednesday, January 27, 2010

She did it...

At the beginning of the month Ashley
cut 9 inches off her hair to donate to
Pantene Beautiful Lengths,
and about another inch to even it out.
The two braids that she will be donating.

The back of her hair...
it's still long enough for her to put in a ponytail.

She loves's easier for her to take care of now.
And as fast as her hair grows it will be long again in no time.
I'm so proud of her for doing this and
I'm sure who ever receives her hair will love it!

Happy Wednesday ☺


angiedunn said...

Ashley: you have the most GORGEOUS hair....and Kim, she does look like you! (:

Love it short, love it long....either way I'm 100% jealous. [in a nice way]. (:

angiedunn said...

Ashley: you have the most GORGEOUS hair....and Kim, she does look like you! (:

Love it short, love it long....either way I'm 100% jealous. [in a nice way]. (:

Anonymous said...

ashley, i love your hair so much better this way. but i am very proud of you for what u did with your long hair. i have a good friend with cancer and she lost all her hair, and now she wears wigs made out of human hair and she looks great. keep up the good work. you are an inspiration. love to u all.