Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dance Recital

I know it's been a while since I blogged,
but we have been busy.
With school out, getting everything
ready for Ashley's dance recital
I really haven't had much time to blog.
We had a little break from dance after
the recital, but classes started again Monday.
When I dropped Ashley off they had her pictures.
This year she was asked to perform in the
Opening Number. She was so excited they asked her.




Hip-Hop Company

Opening Number

They had two recitals one at 2:30 pm and one a 6:00 pm.
At 2:30 she had Opening Number, Hip-Hop Company, and Tap.
At the 6:00 she had all five dances.
It was a long day for her (and me) but she did a great job.
We could really see how much she has grown
as a dancer from last year.
We are so proud of her.

Happy Wednesday☺

1 comment:

Laura Blue said...

wow, you guys REALLY HAVE been busy. Looks like she is loving her dance though, so that's good. She looks beautiful, and I bet she's quite the dancer. congrats... and good luck with another season