Monday, April 28, 2008

Daddy's Little Helper

Today when Guy was leaving for work his car wouldn't start. We started with spark plugs and spark plug wires and that wasn't it. Then it was on to replacing different parts as the day went on. When Ally woke up from her nap she came outside and saw Guy working on the car.
She said " I fix it Daddy!" and started grabbing tools. I was afraid she was going to put a big dent in the side of the car with one of the wrenches. Then she decided to move to the front of the car and "HELP" and I decided to run and get my camera.

Here she is looking for anything she can stick the socket on.

Then her Daddy helped her and also put the socket on a socket wrench.

That was OK for a while.

Then she needed to use a wrench instead.

Now on to the screwdriver and yelling at
me to stop taking pictures of her.

Now she is looking for the really tiny screwdriver
that she dropped in the hole. She can't find it under there.

So she goes to the side of the car and she still can't find it.
It wouldn't be found until Daddy takes the bottom part of the
car off because it fell into an area by the radiator.

But I am HAPPY to report that we did finally get it running. Which means Guy can go to work tomorrow and we didn't have to pay for a tow truck or $110.00 per hour to San Tan Honda to fix our little car. I'm glad Daddy had Ally's help to "fix it". I'm sure he couldn't of done it with out her.

Happy Monday ☺

1 comment:

Laura Blue said...

i love when the little kids want to help and think they know everything. what a cute post. man, she looks like she has grown a foot since i saw her last. lol not really, but they grow up so fast. fun to see more pics