Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two Tired Girls

When they're tired, they're tired!

Last weekend while we were cleaning the house,
Aubrey was in her swing.
I came in and found her like this....

She was asleep sucking on the tail of the seal.
She was so tired.
Now the scrapbooker in me had to get a picture
{more like 5 because the swing was on}
before I laid her back, so she could take her nap.


Yesterday while I was gone getting my hair done.
Guy took this picture of Ally.
{A man married to a scrapbooker}

She fell asleep watching TV with Ashley & Bryce
while sitting in Aubrey's car seat.
She had been outside playing all
morning and drinking hot chocolate.
It's hard work playing outside!

Oh, to be a kid again and fall asleep
whenever and wherever you want☺

1 comment:

angiedunn said...

okay...that is so cute. i always see kids fall asleep weird places...why doesn't that ever happen to chloe? ha! adorable pictures...nothing cuter than a sleepin' babe.